Personal Touch Products

Software & Start-up Kits.

Rating: 98/100 based on 9 review(s)
  • Starting at: $219.00

Click on the individual kit images to view details.  

Click on the following links to learn more about each software:

Gifts on Art Software: First Name Meanings, Personalized Poems, Family Tree Gifts, plus more.

Coat of Arms Software: Coat of Arms, Last Name History, Family Heritage Gifts, plus more. 

Pets on Art Software: Unique pet keepsakes for Dogs, Cats, and Horses.

Compatible with Windows: 7, 8, 10, & 11

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4 Item(s)
PETS ON ART Start-up Kit

PETS ON ART Start-up Kit

Regular Price: $249.00

Special Price: $219.00

COAT OF ARMS Start-up Kit

COAT OF ARMS Start-up Kit

Regular Price: $349.00

Special Price: $259.00

SILVER Start-up Kit

SILVER Start-up Kit

Regular Price: $399.00

Special Price: $349.00

BUDGET Start-up Kit

BUDGET Start-up Kit

Regular Price: $249.00

Special Price: $219.00

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4 Item(s)


4.9 / 5

Based on 17 reviews

Maggie Mena: " I just wanted to thank you for my BEAUTIFUL backgrounds and plastic bags. The colors are bright and the art is unique. You also packed them perfectly and they arrived without a crease. I have Ken's Software and I ..."

Mar 9, 2023

Dwayne: "Hello John, I just wanted to thank you for going the extra mile for me yesterday and taking care of a problem that was certainly not your fault. You lived up to, and surpassed all of your reviews concerning your ..."

Dec 23, 2020

Rhoda Bazil: "I have been selling Personalized Gifts for a few years now and you have the BEST of everything."

Dec 22, 2020
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