With PETS ON ART Software

Create one-of-a-kind pet keepsakes with Pets on Art Software:
Exclusive database for dogs, cats & horses.
- 400 Purebred Dog Breeds
- 700 Hybrid Dog Breeds
- 57 Cat Breeds
- 18 Horse Breeds
- Nearly unlimited mixed breeds
- 80 Clever Pet Quotations
- 9 Thoughtful Pet Poems
Simple 4 step process.
It takes one or two minutes to create a typical pet keepsake that your customers will absolutely love!
- Click on “Create a New Gift“.
- Select your customers pet breed or other desired content.
- Insert the pre-printed art background into your printer.
- Press Print.
** Please note, the gold frames shown for sample gift ideas are not provided by this website **
The dog breed sample below includes:
- 11x14 Walnut and Gold Mat, Dogs 2 Art Background, Photo Mat
- The pet name, breed and breed origin.
- The notable characteristics for a Collie mixed breed.

The cat breed sample below includes:
- 11x14 Red and Gold Mat, Cats 2 Art Background, Red Photo Mat
- The pet name, breed and breed origin.
- The notable characteristics for the Maine Coon breed.
The cat breed sample below includes:
- 11x14 Tan and Walnut Mat, Cats 2 Art Background, Walnut Photo Mat
- The pet name, breed and breed origin.
- The notable characteristics for the Maine Coon breed.
The cat breed sample below includes:
- 11x14 Pink and Gold Mat, Cats 2 Art Background, Pink Photo Mat
- The pet name, breed and breed origin.
- The notable characteristics for the Himalayan breed.

The dog breed sample below includes:
- 11x14 Black and Gold Mat, Dogs 2 Art Background, Black Photo Mat
- The pet name, breed and breed origin.
- The notable characteristics for a German Shepherd.

The keepsake below includes:
- 11x14 Gold Frame, 11x14, Double 5x7, Deep Red and Gold Mat
- The pet and breed origin for a mixed breed with notable characteristics and quote.
- A 5x7 photo (your customer can insert their photo at a later time)

The Pet Tribute keepsake below includes:
- 11x14 Gold Ornate Frame, 11x14 White Fog and Gold Double 5x7 Mat.
- A touching memorial poem for a pet that has passed on with a sentiment at the bottom.
- A 5x7 photo (your customer can insert their photo at a later time)

The horse breed sample below includes:
- 11x14 Walnut and Gold Mat, Horses 2 Art Background, Walnut Photo Mat
- The pet name, breed and breed origin.
- The notable characteristics for an Arabian horse.

The horse breed sample below includes:
- 11x14 Burgundy and Gold Mat, Horses 2 Art Background, Burgundy Photo Mat
- The pet name, breed and breed origin.
- The notable characteristics for a Ponies Mix.

- Integrated software help.
- PDF files to print the quotations and poems and create a sales book that your customers can select from.
- PC: Windows 7, 8, and 10. 6 GB Memory (recommended) 5 GB Hard disk space
- Mac users can run Windows applications using 3rd party software called "Parallels Desktop for Windows."
- A color printer is required if you intend to print your customer's pet photos otherwise a monochrome laser printer is all that is needed.
- The printer should be capable of printing on 65lb card stock.
- We generally prefer laser printers but inkjet printers can work well also.
- Your current printer may work just fine so we recommend testing your existing printer before purchasing a new one.
- If you decide to purchase a new printer, select one that is designed to print on our thicker paper which is equivalent to 65lb cardstock or 100lb bond paper (the approximate thickness of a thin business card).
Get started today: View Pets on Art Order Page